Sunday, October 26, 2008

2D vs. 3D

houses and patterns, 4

This print is in a suite of 8 that are apparently my break out hits of the semester. Three people want to buy this specific one, but I haven't told them the price I'm asking for it, and another would like one from the suite donated to a permanent collection. I think I'm going to shoot pretty damn high and just see who stays interested after that. Mind you, pretty damn high for me is probably rather low.

The prints in this suite are one BFK white with a first run with a simple collagraph, and then a few subsequent runs with inked plate.

Here's an example of an inked up plate prior to printing it:


The half of the suite that are 2-dimensional:
houses and patterns

The half of the suite that are 3-dimensional (and my studio mate Tyler's legs):
houses and patterns, 5 6 7 and 8

I've been interested in subtle interplay in processing 2 dimensional aspects into 3 dimensional aspects without being overt about it. The whole intent of some of my prints lately is to get a viewer to understand how a 3-dimensional print is made without being didactic about process.

Well, my few and mostly disinterested readers, if I were to sell my prints online whigh venue would be better: Etsy, Cartfly, or Big Cartel?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Try (I am the lead developer there) .. You can see an example for blogspot at and a demo for Flickr at