Anyhow, these lucky students have a printmaking class, and I was a guest artist earlier today who showed them monotypes with waterbased inks.
This made me realize that I need to expand my go-to images for demos. Frontal view portraits and skulls are well and good, but I've got way too many images of them from demos now. Trouble is, they're the easiest thing to draw upside down.
I really like the way watercolor pigment can shatter on the plate before printing. It's not something I've tried to play around with before, but I want to give it a try now:
The students were wonderful. I really expected a group of mostly apathetic adolescents, more like the way I recall art classes from high school, but they were engaged and interested, excited about the process and art in general. Teaching is pretty fun, but I always end up just exhausted from it.