Friday, September 03, 2010

First day of class

Today I had my first day of being an actual real live teacher. Brian Borlaug and I are teaching the print survey class at CSULB this semester, and the first assignment we gave was monotype. I took lead on this one because I'm a bit more adept at it.

This first print for the demo is reductive mark making. This one is done with just graphite ink, using Q-tips as brushes. We have some of these amazing Japanese q-tips in the shop, and I try to use them sparingly so they don't run out too fast.

Demo monotype from print survey class

The second print is just a reworking of the first one's ghost, with the addition of more graphite ink and midnight blue.
Demo monotype from print survey class

The third print has a top roll and a bit of chine colle.
Demo monotype from print survey class

After the third print, we let the students start beveling their plates while Brian and I collaborated on this reworking of the ghost from the last print. I really like the red fingertips--a dashing little touch of color that I probably wouldn't have done myself.
Demo monotype from print survey class

Then, class was over. But, we had two extra sheets of paper soaking so the two of us made another print each. This one is mine, though I wish I hadn't done the top roll as the ink had already started to set so it got a little too salty and dark for my tastes. The chine colle on their heads is bits of teabags.
Demo monotype from print survey class

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