Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gift Show

A whole bunch of new dolls in my online gallery (http://www.horsefleshproductions.com/dollgallery.htm), and another show coming up, this one a group show. None of my stuff will be priced higher than $50. I never know what people think about pricing plans for artwork. There's this perfect and tenuous line between overpriced to the point of making potential patrons irritated by your presumption, and underpriced to the point of affecting whether or not someone will view the object as something possessing any value at all.

Trunk Space Gift Art Show, Nov. 17th 6 pm

There's an old black and white photo booth at The Trunk Space, and my new ploy for making cash is a series of wristbands, with picture windows the size of the photos the photobooth generates.
If you're lucky, you'll see the Jesus rappers before entering Trunk Space. Last time I was there, I was privileged to hear a particular piece about Jesus and how he will CRUSH! me. I like hearing people talk about their deity as though he is a particularly moody lover.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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